It's showtime, and SPAMALOT SCHOOL EDITION is here! It's not too late to get your tickets to this legendary tale of King Arthur’s quest to find the Holy Grail. Visit: https://pphspac.ludus.com to purchase tickets online or at the Box Office, approximately one hour prior to shows. Performances are tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. All shows are at the Paw Paw High School Performing Arts Center at 30609 Red Arrow Highway. Free parking and entrance on south side of the high school.

Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 6th due to icy road conditions.
Please remember that there is also no school on Friday, February 7th or Monday, February 10th due to mid-winter break. See you all on Tuesday, February 11th! Stay safe and warm!

Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed again on Wednesday, January 22nd due to the wind chill advisory and hazardous travel conditions. The temps are expected to rebound mid-afternoon to the mid-teens. Snow is expected to taper off later tonight, so evening activities for Wednesday should be fine, but watch for communications if that forecast changes. Continue to stay safe and warm. We miss our students and can't wait to see everyone on Thursday!

Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed once again on Tuesday, January 21st due to the wind chill advisory and hazardous travel conditions. We will continue to watch weather conditions and decide early Tuesday afternoon about the cancellation of evening activities for Tuesday. Stay safe and warm. We hope to see everyone on Wednesday!

Good evening Paw Paw Families. Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th due to deteriorating secondary roads and the cold weather advisory that takes effect at midnight.
As previously mentioned, this decision does not necessarily apply to evening events, as weather and temperatures may change throughout the day. Decisions regarding evening events will be determined Monday.

Calling all Paw Paw Senior Citizens age 60 and older! You are invited to attend the PPPS Senior Citizens Luncheon next Friday, January 17 at 1 p.m. at Paw Paw High School. Guests are asked to park and enter on the west side of the high school. Note: if school is canceled, the luncheon will also be canceled. There is a suggested $5 donation. We look forward to seeing you there! #buildtogetherpawpaw #community #kindness

Please join PPPS Superintendent Jeremy Davison on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Paw Paw High School Cafeteria to learn more about another exciting 2022 Bond Project! Hear firsthand about plans for the High School Multipurpose Addition and STEAM Renovation. We hope to see you there! #buildtogetherpawpaw

Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, December 12th due to inclement weather. Stay safe and warm!

Celebrate the holidays and enjoy camaraderie with friends as PPPS students showcase their talents, improve their civic engagement, and build authentic community connections! All Paw Paw senior citizens 60 years of age and older are invited to attend the Paw Paw Public Schools Senior Citizens Luncheon this Friday, December 13 at 1 p.m. at Paw Paw High School. Suggested donation - $5. We hope to see you there! #buildtogetherpawpaw

Paw Paw Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, December 5th due to inclement weather. Be sure to watch for additional information tomorrow about the potential cancellation of extracurricular activities.
Stay warm and stay safe!

Once again, we're excited to invite all Paw Paw area senior citizens, 60 and older, to attend the PPPS Senior Citizens Luncheon this Friday, October 11, at 1 p.m. We kindly request that all guests park and enter on the west side of the high school near the tennis courts. Doors will open at 12:45 p.m. We look forward to seeing! #buildtogetherpawpaw #community #kindness

Spaces are filling quickly, but currently there are still some openings in the PPPS Preschool 3-year-old classroom. This is a great opportunity for your 3-year-old to make friends, have fun and learn new skills that will help them succeed in school! For more information, contact jenna.bowers@ppps.org or melinda.brennan@ppps. org, or call 269-415-5728. Pick up your enrollment packet at the Cedar Street Campus, 555 Cedar St. , Paw Paw. #buildtogetherpawpaw

As a courtesy to our educational partners at the Van Buren Intermediate School District (VBISD), we are sharing this information as a reminder to voters that the VBISD has a millage renewal on the ballot on August 6, 2024.

Paw Paw Public Schools has a vacant seat on the Board of Education. For more information, please read the following notification.

Did you know? Meet Up & Eat Up-Free Summer Meals are available to ALL PPPS STUDENTS and not just students who qualify for free or reduced lunches? Due to high demand and to accommodate as many students as possible, families are strongly encouraged to register their student(s) for meal pick-up at http://tinyurl.com/5t2kynjn. To reduce waste and make the most of our school resources, please be sure to pick up your child's meals on scheduled pick-up days. For questions or to cancel your meals, please email: korrie.perkins@ppps.org. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! #meetupandeatup #endchildhunger #buildtogetherpawpaw

Calling all preschoolers! Paw Paw Early Childhood Round-Up is right around the corner! Your families won't want to miss this event on July 17 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Cedar Street Campus in Paw Paw. For questions, please contact Early Childhood Director Mindy Brennan melinda.brennan@ppps.org. #preschoolroundup #buildtogetherpawpaw

Important Transportation Notice: If your PPPS student(s) will need bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year, families will need to register by July 29, 2024.

Even though school lunchrooms are closed for summer break, the PPPS Food Service Superheroes are still working hard to help fill the summer hunger gap! FREE weekly meal pick-up will be available to all PPPS students June 14 - August 2 at Paw Paw Later Elementary. #MeetUpAndEatUp #buildtogetherpawpaw

Become a Voice for Michigan Students! Join in or invite someone you know to attend these virtual informational events. These sessions will educate prospective candidates about school board responsibilities, as well as filing and campaigning procedures. Most importantly, these events will provide candidates with an opportunity to have their questions answered. #GetOnBoardMI #BuildTogetherPawPaw
MASB needs your help to spread the word and ensure all vacant school board seats are filed for by the July 23 deadline.

Check out this exciting new mural outside the Performing Arts Center at PPHS! The high school's new Independent Art Class, Creative Career & Collective (3C), worked on designing the mural. With guidance from PPHS Art Teacher Sarah Bentley, the work symbolizes the unique strength, diversity, and creativity of Paw Paw students. Students were tasked with designing a butterfly mural. Eleventh-grade student Ezekiel King won the design contest! Art students worked together to bring the mural to life during and after school. Ezekiel had this to say about the finished mural, "It represents that even though everyone is different and might not get along, our school unifies us and we always cheer each other along in our sports or when we're doing school activities." #mural #art #arteducation #teenleaders #publicart #buildtogetherpawpaw