Because every child deserves a village, the next PPPS Parent Chat program (Thursday, January 14, @ 7 PM) will focus on raising kids in any kind of family, with special focus on non-traditional families, with information, resources, and time to chat. Go to for more info.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat Families Graphic
Because every child deserves a village, the next PPPS Parent Chat program (Thursday, January 14, @ 7 PM) will focus on raising kids in any kind of family, with special focus on non-traditional families, with information, resources, and time to chat. Go to for more info.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat on Non Traditional Families
At the 12/14/2020 PPPS School Board Meeting, Executive Director of Business Operations Stephanie Walker shares details of many of the extra and unexpected costs of conducting school business during the COVID pandemic.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Budget graphic
At the 12/14/2020 PPPS School Board Meeting, Executive Director of Business Operations Stephanie Walker shares details of many of the extra and unexpected costs of conducting school year during the COVID pandemic.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Budget graphic
Congratulations to our Students of the Month– Carter Buhl (5th Grade), Aaron Garcia (6th Grade), Aili Shaughnessy (7th Grade), and Lily Imus (8th Grade).
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
PPPS Parent Chat 3 addressed the topic of "Students and Anxiety". The presentation by social workers Jen Krause and Deb Doyle can be found here, and has information/strategies for individuals experiencing anxiety:
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Anxiety Graphic
Good Afternoon Paw Paw Families, Due to a shortage in drivers tomorrow, Wednesday, December 9th we are unable to transport the children on the Bunny & Dino bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Walker
Paw Paw Families, Due to a shortage in drivers today, Tuesday, December 8th we are unable to transport the children on the Dog & Butterfly bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Walker
Tuesday, December 8th we are unable to transport the children on the Butterfly bus to and from school. We apologize for the inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
This Thursday, December 10, at 7 PM, PPPS will hold its next Parent Chat Session to share information/strategies about students/families and anxiety. The program is virtual. To have the Zoom link emailed to you, please click on this link:
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
The next Paw Paw Public Schools Parent Chat will take place Thursday, December 9 @ 7 PM via Zoom. The focus will be on providing support and working with students who are experiencing anxiety. Look for details to be posted here on Monday for a link to the meeting.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat Graphic
It's a great time to review guidance from the CDC that our district follows for when students, staff or family members test positive. Please make sure that you keep our office informed about positive cases in your household. We are here to help you identify a return date for your child if they have to quarantine. Our goal is to keep our pack safe, while ensuring that your child can return to school as soon as possible once their quarantine is finished. Please do not hesitate to call our office at (269)415-5400 if you ever have questions. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
If you test positive
The Later Elementary has begun their annual food collection to support the Paw Paw Lions's Club Christmas Basket Program. This program helps to provide food and gifts to families in need. With COVID and job loss, it is more important than ever for us to step up and work together to take care of those families in our community that need our help. Be sure to review the flyer that went home. We have less students in the building right now and less time to collect donations, so your effort is greatly needed for us to be successful. The most needed items are syrup, jelly, peanut butter, canned fruit, and spaghetti sauce. Donations must be dropped off to school no later than December 2nd. Thank you for helping our kids make a difference in our community!
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Food drive
Food donations
Food donations
Food donations
Good afternoon Later Elementary families.  This is Mr. Davison reminding all of our families that we are returning to in-person learning tomorrow morning.  I hope your children enjoyed the last three days.  I think that our teachers and support staff did a great job providing some quality, live instruction for our students.  We are extremely happy with the attendance numbers from our virtual days and we look forward to continuing to improve what we can and will offer in the event that we have to provide more days of virtual instruction for our kids. As we prepare for school tomorrow morning, we need to ask all of our families for their help.  Our students took home a lot of stuff on Friday and we need you to help us make sure that it all comes back tomorrow, so that kids don't miss out on instruction in their classroom. Please help us make sure that the following things come back tomorrow: a Chromebook, a Chromebook charger, their clever badge, their student planner, their math workbook, any textbooks that were sent home.  specifically Wonders for English Language Arts and Impact for Social Studies, their reading notebook, and any homework that they were asked to complete and turn in as they return to school. As always, we appreciate your help with making sure that our kids are ready for their school day. Please remember to send a clean mask with your child.  Be sure to take their temperature, and if they are showing symptoms or if they have a fever or have vomited in the past 24 hours, keep them home to help keep the rest of our pack safe. Thanks again for a great three days of virtual learning and we'll see you tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Join us for our Parent Chat session this Thursday, November 19, at 7 PM, when we talk about and share strategies & resources for reducing the stress of holidays that will look different than ever this year for all families. The session will be led by PPPS staff members and provide information and a chance for conversation between parents and families of Paw Paw Public Schools. It is drop-in, friendly, and a way for parents to support one another through the trials and tribulations of the 2020-21 school year. To join the conversation and to get the Zoom link for the program, please sign up here:
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Holiday Stress
Please see the attached letter from Superintendent Reo regarding yesterday's Emergency Order from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
almost 4 years ago, Rick Reo
Paw Paw Later Elementary Families, We will have meal pick up at the High School today, Monday, November 16th from 3-6pm for all students under the age of 18. Please email the Food Service Director ( if you haven’t signed up for meals yet this year. This way we can guarantee our numbers and that everyone gets served.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Meal pick up
Please be aware that due to a shortage in drivers, we also need to cancel the LION bus route tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 13. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
almost 4 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Veterans Day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938. Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans—living or dead—but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime. (Cited from Please make sure that you take time to recognize and thank the veterans in your life today!
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Veteran's Day
Online Support Group for Parents to Address Stress, Anxiety, and Mental Health: Thursday, Nov. 5 @ 7 PM. Parents working to support and manage the stress and anxiety of COVID for themselves and their students and families will have a new resource available when Paw Paw Public Schools begins a series of support-group meetings tomorrow, Thursday, November 5, aimed at addressing and easing the mental and emotional challenges facing our school community. Each support group session will provide a short, informative presentation on issues related to mental health and well-being and then an opportunity for discussion and the sharing of ideas and resources. The sessions are not intended to be therapy, but rather opportunities for parents to learn more about mental health and the challenges of parenting during COVID, and to learn about resources available for anyone who may need additional support at this time. Sessions will be led by Paw Paw Public Schools Mental Health Clinician Stacey Coon-Ballard and Curriculum Director Corey Harbaugh, as well as other individuals from Paw Paw Public Schools who can join the conversation and add perspective, ideas, and resources. The online support group meetings will meet twice each month, every other Thursday, at 7 PM via Google Meet, starting this evening, Thursday, November 5. Any parent who wants to have access to the support group link should sign up on the PPPS digital app, at the District website,, or at the link on the school Facebook pages. To register and be sent a Zoom link, please use this web address:
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
High 5 Graphic