Please remember that all Paw Paw Students receive free breakfast and lunch through the end of the calendar year!
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
October Menu
We have provided an addendum for our student handbook that captures the procedures, practices, and expectations for our students as a part of our Return To Learn Plan.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Picture Day is September 21st. Information is going home today with all students. Please be sure to review it. No contact payment and on-line ordering is available. Rest assured that our building is working with Geskus Photography to ensure the safety of our kids.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Picture Day
Important information and review of policies for families as we settle into our school year.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Remembering September through our morning video announcements.
almost 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Sept 11 quote
Pledge of Allegiance
First week complete. Thank you everyone for your diligence and commitment to our childrens' safety! Our transportation, food service, maintenance, custodial, and teaching staff have been wonderful at maintaining a strong focus on health and safety. Have a great, holiday weekend!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Classroom Distancing
Playground disinfecting
Playground disinfecting
Welcome to the Pack! We can't wait for Monday!!!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
First day
Are you a 3rd grade student at Paw Paw Later Elementary or a new student recently enrolled? We have building tours available on Wednesday evening, August 26th from 4:00 to 6:00pm or on Thursday, August 27th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please go to our sign up and RSVP if interested!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Building Tours
Please join your child’s Pack Leaders tonight for a Virtual Open House. Sessions begin at 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00pm. These virtual presentations will introduce the classroom and staff. These Google Meets are for students and parents together. You only need to choose one of the 3 meeting times to attend. If you are unable to attend, one of the open house meetings will be recorded for later viewing.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Open House
Welcome letters were sent out this morning with important information about our start to the school year at Paw Paw Later Elementary. Here is a copy of what was sent out for those that want to get a sneak peek. Welcome to the Pack! "Our Pack's Pride Is Hard To Hide!"
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Welcome back 1
Welcome back 2
Please join your child’s Pack Leaders for a Google Meet on Tuesday, August 25th. Sessions begin at 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00pm. These virtual presentations will introduce the classroom and staff. These Google Meets are for students and parents together. You only need to choose one of the 3 meeting times to attend. If you are unable to attend, one of the open house meetings will be recorded for later viewing.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Open House
Are you a 3rd grade student at Paw Paw Later Elementary or a new student recently enrolled? We have building tours available on Wednesday evening, August 26th from 4:00 to 6:00pm or on Thursday, August 27th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please go to our sign up and RSVP if interested!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Hello Later Elementary Families! It has come to our attention that families have been receiving boxes of books in their mail this week from Scholastic Books. As part of our commitment to literacy, Title I funds were used to set up a summer reading program for all students on the campus. Our intention was to have books delivered to all of our students at the beginning of summer to promote reading throughout the summer. Apparently, Scholastic had some delays, so they are just now delivering our book order to all of our families that were enrolled with us at the end of last year. The great news is that they are sending 10 books to every child instead of the 6 that we purchased. Scholastic is even sending books to stock classroom libraries in the extra rooms that we are using in both buildings! These books are free to your children. Let's use them as a way to kick off an amazing school year. Thanks. We'll see you soon!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Summer Book Distribution
​The following information provides an overview of what to expect at Paw Paw Later Elementary in regards to procedures, daily schedule, and expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Davison by email at or by phone at (269)415-5400 if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
PPLE Return to Learn
Health Suggestions
Supply list
Sir George is back, the popular character created by Paw Paw Social & Emotional Learning Teacher Ben Bowater, and this time he is helping students get ready for returning to school with health and safety in mind. This fun, informative video will help your child think about and visualize social distancing, hygiene, and good health and safety practices in school. Please share it with your child, and have conversations about it as a family so your child is ready to return to school like Paw Paw's favorite knight in shining armor, Sir George.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Please review our updated supply list for the school year.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
PPLE Supply List
Paw Paw Later Elementary 4th grade student, Brynn Cummings, is appearing on Penn and Teller's special, "Try This at Home Too!", this Monday night at 9pm on the CW in TWO different segments! "OurPrideIsHardToHide!"
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Later Elementary Families: Our yearbooks have finally arrived. We will have them available for any family that ordered one with their child's picture package the week of August 3rd. Office hours will be Monday through Friday from 9:00-3:00. We will stay open until 6:30 on Wednesday, August 5th for those that are not able to stop by during the day. We apologize for not having them available next week as we are currently re-configuring classrooms in preparation for the school year.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Yearbook info
Our Summer Feeding Program has started. Don't miss out on a great opportunity for your family. Meals will be available at the high school or at the Early Elementary from 10am to 12pm on Monday through Thursday until August 13th. Both sites are "Park/walk up & order." Please be courteous by following the required CDC guidelines for a required mask and following social distancing.
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
Meet Up and Eat Up
Last night was our 5th Grade Graduation Drive-In Event. The weather wouldn't cooperate, so we couldn't show the video presentation. Overall, it was a huge success, because our 5th grade family had a lot of fun, created some lasting memories, and we ended the year together. Thank you to all of our 5th grade teachers, our PPLE staff volunteers, the Elementary Campus PTO, as well as Mr. McNitt and Mr. Rodriguezfor taking pictures. Congratulations 5th grade and welcome to Middle School!
about 4 years ago, Jeremy Davison
5th grade grad 2020