high schools students with teacher
craftsman demonstrating leveler to 3 students
Build together logo. PPPS community connections fall open house.
musician on stage. student watching
Parent Chat Info Image
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, OCTOBER 2023 Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, the board members each take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress. “At the High School, I experienced spirit week first-hand, and it was great to see so much participation! Also at the High School, there’s been a real effort to change how students are greeted by making sure all staff stand outside their doors in the morning. It has transformed that building into a much nicer place! Lastly, a community member who attended our last board meeting and participated in our CharacterStrong workshop, came up to me three days later and said, ‘It (the workshop) changed her life.’ She went on to say that she had never been able to remember names, but after doing that exercise, she remembered everyone’s name. She thought it was such a great idea that she took what we did and recreated in at the Senior Center, a great example of the positive impact the school board meetings can have on the community.” Brent McNitt “At the Early Elementary, to recognize classes exhibiting P.R.I.D.E. (Personality responsibility, Respect, I am a learner, Demonstrating safe behavior, and Excellence) behaviors in school, the specials teachers came up with an idea to give out a “Rufus Award” and a “Rosy Award” to two classes each week that are showing progress in these areas. To present the awards, Leah Barnes and Jesey Davis delivered stuffed animals to the winning classes, and the classes cheered for one another!” Tom Baney “I had a chance to meet with Beckah Chartier at the Cedar Street Campus, and I gained some valuable insight into the Alternative Education and the Early Childhood Education Programs.” Jon Vick “I attended the Early Elementary Prowl, a PTO fundraising event. It was great to see so many parent volunteers, and it was so well organized! At the Later Elementary, 18 students were recognized at a CharacterStrong assembly, where they talked about respect. They also introduced the next value, which is responsibility. Thanks to Jeremy Davison for his leadership in this area. Disney’s 101 Dalmatians is also coming up at the Later Elementary. Lastly, it was great to hear so many positive comments from parents when the PPHS football players opened the doors for the younger players on Homecoming Day.” Lindsay Clark “There has been a noticeable shift toward a culture of kindness at the Middle School. CharacterStrong and a further distance from COVID isolation is being partially credited, along with staff training on restorative practices and community circles. Our Core Values are at work! Also at the Middle School, the WMU Men’s Basketball Team came to visit a for an all-school assembly. They shared how our Core Values have a connection to their Core Values. Students participated in some ball handling competitions and were thrilled to see the WMU players put up some impressive dunks!” Ray Martin  “Thank you to the Maintenance Department for fixing the forklift and saving money for the district. I’d also like to recognize Custodian’s Day, which was October 2. I know that can be a thankless job, but I appreciate our custodians for all they do! The Transportation Department held Bus Driver Awareness Training and discussed different scenarios and challenging situations that can take place on buses. For School Bus Safety Week, the Transportation Department will be hosting a poster contest in the schools. Winners from each grade level will be announced, presented with a certificate, and choose a book from the vending machine.” Nate Mitchell
 film crew shooting video with elementary teachers
​On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary October 9, 2023  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm Adjournment at 9:17 pm Board Members Present: Baney Clark Martin McNitt Mitchell Vick Board Members Absent: Pease Public Participation: None Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 9/11/23 Special Meeting Minutes 9/26/23 Financial Reports and Monthly Bills $1500.00 Donation from Lounsbury to HS Robotics​ Altria Settlement Resolution​ Snow Removal & Salt Bid 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 awarded to Lounsbury Excavating ​Neola Policy Update - First Reading po6320​ Early Childhood Bids, Final Phase​ Red Arrow Soccer League​ LOA for Part-Time Teacher Benefits​ Contract Addendum for LE Principal, J. Davison​ International Educational Trip to Italy​ Personnel  Arrivals Jacob Zent - HS Digital Media Teacher​ Amy Oetjens- eSports Coach​ Kristin Smith - SADD Advisor​ Larry Gilbert - MS 6th Boys Basketball Coach​ Departures None Presentations  Pay-It-Forward HS Class - Cari Houston & students Board Discussion  10 Minute Team Builder Strategic Plan Video Pride & Progress  Citizens of the Month : September 2023​ Nayeli Gutierrez - 6th Grade​ ​Corinne Kessen - 7th Grade San Juanita Vargas - 8th Grade​​ Next Regular Meeting  November 13, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited. "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
art students and teachers with mural backdrop at paw paw middle schools
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS  Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education September 2023 At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, the board members each take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress. “At the High School, the staff have been unbelievably welcoming and helpful! In the Photography and Digital Arts Class, where I’ve been helping, it was great to see the old PCs replaced with new laptops. It allows students to move around, which is important in the creative arts. The kids are already excited to see some of their work featured on social media. Lastly, I appreciate everyone who watches and helps with the football broadcasts. It is a true team effort to make those happen, but it’s worth it!” Brent McNitt “Since it’s September 11th, I’d like to show my appreciation to our first responders, school resource officers and veterans. We take that seriously in our district, and there is great work being done in our schools to recognize these groups. At the Central Office, I appreciate the detailed financial reports from Kara Corniel. It was great to see the innovative investments being made in technology that will benefit our students. From a community standpoint, it was great to see so many PPPS students and staff involved in the Paw Paw Wine & Harvest Festival, and I enjoyed seeing the social media posts of everyone having so much fun!” Dale Pease “At the Early Elementary, I met with Principal Leah Barnes, and there’s no question in my mind that she is right where she belongs!  She and her team are involved in a project involving the Core Value of Innovation. EE administrators, teachers and staff are developing enrichment opportunities by listening to feedback from a parent survey. The EE team would like to offer more diverse experiences for students who may need more of a challenge in their daily learning. A select number of students will receive innovative enrichment opportunities four days a week.” Tom Baney “At the Later Elementary, Mr. Davison reported that they had a successful “Back-to-School Night.” Every family received an envelope, and some students received a golden ticket that could be redeemed for a free book in their new book vending machine. Also, the rollout of CharacterStrong has been going very well! Today I was able to participate in a 9/11 ceremony that involved the Cub Scouts and many of our local first responders. It was great for the kids to get to see the leadership in our community.” Lindsay Clark “I’m so proud of Paw Paw Middle School Student Brynn Cummings and her top five semifinalist placement on “America’s Got Talent.” It was also great to hear that members of the Red Wolves Band volunteered to help clean up the grounds prior to school starting. As Superintendent Reo indicated, this is the epitome of the Core Value of Community that we are hoping to instill in our students during their time at PPPS. Thank you, Paw Paw Band!” Ray Martin “I’d like to give a shout-out to our Maintenance Department for their great work maintaining approximately 50 acres of athletic and event fields. They also take care of over two miles of grass trimming and three miles on the cross-country trail. Also, the custodial crew did a great job over the summer deep cleaning our schools. I appreciate their hard work!” Nate Mitchell
CharacterStrong Parent Chat Promo for Sept.
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary September 11, 2023  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm Adjournment at 8:03 pm Board Members Present: Baney Clark Martin McNitt Mitchell Pease Board Members Absent: Vick Public Participation: None Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 8/14/23 ​Special Meeting Minutes 8/29/23 Financial Reports and Monthly Bills 2023-2024 Schedule B Extracurricular Non-Coaching Positions​ Neola Policy Updates (Second Reading) ​Early Childhood Bids, Phase 2​ Personnel  Arrivals Noah Fraser - St. Mary’s / Trinity Music Teacher​ Caitlin Van Duinen - St. Mary’s Tech Teacher​ Rocky Rynearson - St. Mary’s PE Teacher​ Katie Curtis - St. Mary’s Art Teacher​ Sandy Tapper - St. Mary’s Kindergarten Teacher​ Emilee Sheets - Trinity Art & PE Teacher​ Deanna Hindenach - Trinity Spanish Teacher​ Sara Hunt - Trinity Kindergarten Teacher​ Melissa Corona - 6-12 Special Ed Teacher Consultant for Thrive Academy​​ Departures None Board Discussion  10 Minute Team Builder CharacterStrong lesson led by Zachary Daniels Presentations  Band Student Volunteer Recognition -Superintendent Reo Next Regular Meeting  October 9, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited. "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
Community Partners. We will foster connections among our schools and the community. PPHS Principal Tammy Southworth, PPPS Nurse Cathy Lancaster, Beaumont Student Heart Check Manager, Jennifer Shea, and PPPS Maintenance Director Tom Imus. Build together logo. United with our community to build success.
community connections. we will foster connections among our schools and our community.  Supt. reo with 2 reps from Arbor Credit Union
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, AUGUST 2023 Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, the board members each take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress. “First, thank you to Curriculum Director Corey Harbaugh for inviting me to walk over to see the new wall mural at the middle school. If you have not seen it, I would encourage everyone to do so. It is a positive addition to the south side of school. Today, I attended the active shooter training for the district, which was interesting. The I.S.D. safety specialists led many hands-on exercises and demonstrated other scenarios to keep safety top-of-mind if something were to happen. Lastly, while I was in the high school for the safety training, I was impressed to see so many staff members there before school started taking time to get their classrooms ready to receive our kids.”  Brent McNitt “In the building updates, I really like that Superintendent Rick Reo and Early Elementary Principal Leah Barnes are connecting everything to our five Core Values. At the Elementary, under the Core Value of Community, they hosted a popsicle and playground event!  Under the Core Value of Success, all the great work being done to add staff is exciting. Lastly, under Innovation, kudos to the staff for all the work that was done with Kindergarten and Young 5’s Jumpstart.” Dale Pease “I had a chance to speak to Cedar Street Director Beckah Chartier and Early Childhood Education Director Mindy Brennan, and I found out there are some really great things happening at the Cedar Street Campus! Beckah is working with her staff to make sure all the positions are filled. Thank you for that update. After talking with the ECE Director, I was happy to learn that nearly all the kids leaving the 4-year-old preschool classroom were meeting many of the kindergarten standards. I was also excited to hear that most of the ECE staff will be returning. One more shout-out to Principal Leah Barnes and her team for their work with Kindergarten and Young 5’s Jumpstart. It was a great event and made an excellent first impression with our new families.” Lindsay Clark “I’m happy to actually be able see some of the bond projects have started. I am also excited for the rest yet to come. Our summer Meet Up and Eat Up meals program provided almost 1600 breakfast and over 2500 lunch meals in June! Thank you to all the staff who helped make that program so successful. Lastly, kudos to the behind-the-scenes work of the Technology Department as they prep the classrooms and Chromebooks for a successful start to the upcoming school year.” Ray Martin
It's more than the form. We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to return their education benefits form. completing this form takes less than 5 minutes and can help students receive important resources. Every application that is not submitted means lost educational programs and resources for our students. Completing the Education Benefits Form may help provide health and wellness services, before and after school programs, guidance and college counselors, fee waivers for college applications and admission tests, and important resources for classrooms. every form counts. build togethe logo. clip art of kids.
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary August 14, 2023  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm Adjournment at 8:04 pm Board Members Present: Baney Clark Martin McNitt Mitchell Pease Vick arrived @ 7:25 pm Board Members Absent: None Public Participation: None Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 7/10/23​ Financial Reports and Monthly Bills​ 2023-2024 Schedule C Fall Coaching Positions​ PPPS District Improvement Plan​ 2023-2024 PPPS Course Handbook​ Neola Policy Updates - First Reading​ Lindsay Clark appointed Delegate and Nate Mitchell appointed Alternate for the MASB 2023 Delegate Assembly​ All Board of Education members to attend the MASB Annual Leadership Conference​ Teacher's Union Contract 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026​ District Lead in Food Services​ Early Childhood Bids​ ​Wage Rate Change for Non-Union Support Staff Employee Groups​ Wages for Online Coordinator, Behavior & Social Emotional Support Personnel​ Personnel  Arrivals Kayla Giannecchini - LE 4th Grade Teacher​ Josie Pike - HS English Teacher​ Cassie Burnett-Massop - EE 2nd Grade ​Vincent Giannecchini - LE 5th Grade Teacher​ Rick Gilbert - Var Boys Assistant BB Coach​ Jennifer Strey - 7th Grade Volleyball Coach Parker Marcon - 9th Grade Boys BB Coach Britnee Warzybok - EE 2nd Grade Teacher Gabe Macias - MS Football Assistant Coach​ ​Victor Gonzalez - MS Football Assistant Coach Maggie Sims - MS Science Teacher​​​​ Departures Miranda Leach - EE Special Education Teacher​ ​Sandra Lundquist - LE 5th Grade Teacher​ Board Discussion  10 Minute Team Builder Board Buddy Expectations Presentations  Bond Update - TowerPinkster & OAK​ Next Regular Meeting  September 11, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited. "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
CharacterStrong Logo
Paw Paw Public Schools Kindergarten and Young 5’s Jump Start. 8:30 a.m. – student check-in. 9-11 a.m.: Jump Start Programs for students. 9 a.m. – Presentation for families. Paw Paw Early Elementary, 512 North St. 269-415-5300. Crafts, storytime, snack time, play time. Make friends, recess, scavenger hunt, school bus tours. Red wolf pup logos and paw prints.
​On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary  July 10, 2023  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm Adjournment at 9:13 pm Board Members Present: Baney Clark McNitt Mitchell Pease Vick Board Members Absent: Martin Public Participation: K.Perkins Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 6/12/23 Special Meeting Minutes 6/13/23 and 6/22/23 Closed Session Minutes 6/12/23, 6/13/23 and 6/22/23 Financial Reports and Monthly Bills Donation from Indiana Michigan Power for $4,350.00 to the HS Robotics Program​ 2022/23 Fall and Spring Counts​ Tenure​ Superintendent Contract ​Ray Martin designated as the VBCo Association of School Board's Representative for 2023/24 Annual Loan/Repayment Activity Application/Resolution Millage Levies Resolution (L-4029)​​​ Personnel  Arrivals Chris Brill - HS JV Girls Golf Coach​ Chris Roach - HS JV Boys Tennis Coach​ Angelica Heine - EE Young Five's Teacher Departures Aisha Honorable - HS Second Grade Teacher​ Board Discussion  10 Minute Team Builder Community Survey Follow-up ​Superintendent Performance Evaluation Schedule for 2023/24​ Presentations  Spring Sports Review - Alan Farnquist, Athletic Director​ District Evaluation Tools & Processes - Superintendent Reo ​PAC Presentation - Kris Perkins, Technical Director Next Regular Meeting(please note the date change)  August 14, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited. "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates