On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.
PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary November 13, 2023
Regular Business
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
- Adjournment at 8:23 pm
- Board Members Present:
- Baney
- Clark
- Martin
- McNitt
- Mitchell
- Board Members Absent:
- Pease
- Vick
- Public Participation:
- None
Board Approvals
- Regular Meeting Minutes 10/9/23
- Financial Reports and Monthly Bills
- 2023-2024 Winter Coaching Positions
- Neola Policy Update - Second Reading po6320
- Stephanie Eaton Mentor Contract
- New Positions - Maintenance Supervisor, Custodial Supervisor, and IT Supervisor
- District PD Committee
- Schools of Choice Resolution
- 2022-2023 Financial Audit
- Dan Grimm Facilities/Technology Director Contract
- Appoint SEAB Co-Chairperson Kristin Smith
- Arrivals
- Kathryn Hills - EE Special Ed Teacher
- Dan Werner- HS Varsity Boys Bowling Coach
- Alexys Bilton - HS Varsity Girls Bowling Coach
- Jeana Steciow - HS Quiz Bowl Coach
- Andrea Hurst - MS Robotics Coach (split position)
- Ben Tomlinson - MS Robotics Coach (split position)
- Kaleb Nuesse - HS Musical Director Assistant
- Departures
- Maxwell Wagner - HS Musical Director Assistant
- Dave Kenyon - HS Girls Assistant Cross Country Coach
- Academic Data Update - C. Harbaugh, Director of Curriculum/Instruction & State/Federal Programs
Board Discussion
- 10 Minute Team Builder
- Committee Discussion
Pride & Progress
- Citizens of the Month : October 2023
- Addison Bell - 6th Grade
- Cailey Hahn - 7th Grade
- Braden Schultz - 8th Grade
Next Regular Meeting
- December 11, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus
- A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.
"The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates