“I’d like to recognize the facilities and technology staff for all the work they are doing behind the scenes to get the classrooms and schools ready. Thank you for being the glue that holds it all together!” Nate Mitchell
thank you, paw paw. paw paw tennis logo.  tennis players hitting balls, tennis courts, and registration table
Program Logo
Great News! Paw Paw Public Schools “Schools of Choice” is Open for the 2024-2025 School Year. Openings in PreK – 12 Programs.  Paw Paw Public Schools is offering Van Buren County students a chance to experience a wide variety of learning opportunities in a positive learning environment.   At Paw Paw Public Schools, you will find: •	A 94% student graduation rate •	Teachers and staff who care and provide a nurturing learning environment •	Numerous opportunities for students to achieve in academics, athletics and extracurricular activities •	Award-winning band, music, art and performing arts programs •	A District Committed to Academic Growth, Social & Emotional Growth, Kindness, Respect & Safety, Community Connections and a Comprehensive Facility Plan that ensures students are able to learn, create, compete and grow into their unique potential. Make Paw Paw Public Schools Your Schools of Choice! Paw Paw Public Schools is committed to its Core Values of INTEGRITY, COMMUNITY, SUCCESS, INNOVATION AND KINDNESS.  Please complete the application form and submit to Paw Paw Public Schools Administrative Office at 119 Johnson Road, Paw Paw, MI 49079 by August 30, 2024. Make Paw Paw Public Schools Your Schools of Choice!
PAW PAW PUBLIC SCHOOLS NOTICE OF VACANT BOARD SEAT  On July 14, 2024, a Paw Paw Public Schools’ Board of Education seat became vacant.  State law requires that the Board appoint a person to fill the vacancy within thirty (30) calendar days after the vacancy occurs.  The person appointed will fill the vacancy until the newly elected school board member begins his/her term following certification of the November 5, 2024, election results.   ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible to be a school board trustee, an individual must be a citizen of the United States and a qualified and registered voter of the Paw Paw Public School District.   APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:  If you meet the above eligibility requirements and wish to be considered for the vacancy, please submit a letter stating your interest and qualifications for the position.  Include your complete address, telephone number and e-mail address.  Letters of interest to be received by no later than Wednesday, August 7, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. addressed to Board President Brent McNitt, Paw Paw Public Schools, 119 Johnson Rd, Paw Paw, MI  49079 OR submit the letter as an attachment and send via e-mail to alisa.clark@ppps.org.   The Board will conduct interviews and take action to appoint at the Regular School Board Meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Cedar Street Campus, 555 Cedar Street, Paw Paw.   Inquiries can be made to Alisa Clark at (269) 415-5207.
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, JULY 2024  At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, board members take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress:  “I would like to thank Tom Baney for all his years of service on the Board of Education!” Dale Pease “In the Transportation Department, I am excited to announce that a parent in the district has stepped up to drive a bus for the school year. In the Technology, Maintenance and Custodial departments, the staff and Cedar Street administrators have been working together to improve the Adult Education space. The cost of these improvements were covered by grant funding. Also at the Cedar Street Campus, the playground area was cleaned up and new mulch was added. In a recent online auction, the district was able to free up some space by selling surplus or outdated equipment, furniture and fixtures. Lastly, the custodial team is to be credited for clearing out old paint, tires and chemicals through a recycling program at the Van Buren Conservation District.”  Nate Mitchell “At the Later Elementary, 117 students are enrolled in Summer School. PPPS students are fortunate to have this additional learning opportunity. To help staff the program, six “Grow Your Own” future educator candidates are getting experience through unpaid internships, which is an innovative way to keep people in our district and save money. I would like to give a shout-out to Jeremy Davison and Alisa Clark for their work coordinating this initiative. I’m happy to report that Summer Base Camp is also going well. To expand the program, preschool-aged children are also able to attend this year.”  Lindsay Clark
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary July 8, 2024  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm  Adjournment at 8:45 pm  Board Members Present:  Clark  Mitchell  Pease  Vick  Baney left at 7:32 pm  Board Members Absent:  Martin  McNitt  Public Participation:  None  Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 6/10/24  Special Meeting Minutes 6/10/24, 6/20/24 & 6/24/24  Financial Reports and Monthly Bills  Teacher LOA - Safe School Stipend   Teacher LOA - Hannah Arnold Teaching Assignment  Tenure - T Criger, T Bovee, Z Daniels, J Farnquist, M Geffre, A Oetjens, J Papa, M Reo, K Smith, J Steciow, D Strey, A Thorbjornsen, K Tremblay & M Wagner  N Mitchell designated Van Buren County Association of School Boards Representative 2024-2025  New Position - Adult Ed Clerk  Resolution Supporting VBISD Regional Enhancement Millage  Annual Loan/Repayment Activity   Application/Resolution  New Position - EE Library Media Specialist  Personnel  Arrivals  Kayla DePierre - Varsity Ass’t Cross Country Coach  Jordan Edwards - 9th Grade Boys BB Coach  Departures  Tammy Criger - EE Stem Teacher  Emily Burleson - EE Art Teacher  Victor Gonzalez - 8th Grade Football Assistant Coach  Sarah Hunt - Trinity Shared Services Teacher  Thomas Baney - School Board Trustee  Presentations  Spring Sports Review - A Farnquist, Athletic Director  Next Regular Meeting  August 12, 2024, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus  A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.  "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, JUNE 2024  At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, board members take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress:  “I attended the Year-End PPPS Staff Awards Luncheon. It was great to see everyone in one place. Here’s a shout-out to Alisa Clark and the rest of the team for putting the construction-themed event together. I was honored to help recognize the award recipients, and I’d like to give a special shout-out to Mindy Brennan who has been in education for more than 35 years! At the high school, many things were going on to wrap up the school year. First, I’d like to recognize the band and choir for their performances at the PAC and elsewhere. Also, thank you to the technical teams for all their hard work. We had graduations at the Cedar Street Campus and Paw Paw High School. From all the students of the month, I’m proud to say Dom Hernadez was selected as student of the year at PPHS. Also, Darrin Strey just committed to Kentucky, which is very exciting for our Athletics Department. Lastly, at our Trap Team’s State Finals, we qualified with three men in the nationals, and both of our females were in the top ten in our state division. The entire team qualified for nationals, with two members competing in July. We finished 4th in our conference!” Brent McNitt  “I was able to attend the Cedar Street graduation and watched my son graduate. The entire ceremony was fantastic, and I’m super proud of all the kids. Seeing the kids walk across the stage when at one time they thought they were not going to graduate was awesome! ” Jon Vick  “I appreciate the budget report from Facilities and Technology Director Dan Grimm as we continue to look for ways to save money across the district.”  Nate Mitchell  “There were some great photos of year-end festivities at the Early Elementary! Water World took place at the EE on June 4. Students could play sprinkler volleyball, flamingo ring toss, and go down the slip and slide. All students took home a pair of tie-dye socks. Staff members volunteered to sit in the dunk tank and got soaked! On the last day of school, the entire school community lined the halls and “clapped out” our second-grade students. The P.T.O. provided bubbles and balloons and a red carpet for students to exit the building. We’re so proud of everything they have accomplished this year, and we wish them well next year at Paw Paw Later Elementary.”  Tom Baney
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary June 10, 2024  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm  Adjournment at 8:11 pm  Board Members Present:  Baney  McNitt  Mitchell  Vick  Board Members Absent:  Clark  Martin  Pease  Donations Received:  $6,899.00 from Tapper for an Enclosed Trailer for the HS Robotics Team  Public Participation:  B. Bowater  Board Approvals  Special Meeting Minutes 5/21/24, 5/23/24, 5/25/24, and 5/28/24  Financial Reports and Monthly Bills  Second Reading of Policies 1240, 2410, 2414,  2418, 3220, 6320, 6321, 6325, 6350, 6520,  8390 & 8800  MHSAA Membership Renewal for 24/25  Personnel  Arrivals  Matt Santay - 9th Grade Boys BB Coach  Brittany Phillips - JV Boys Tennis Coach  Samantha Christenson - Building School Improvement   Chairperson  Shalace Ladawn - Lead GSRP Teacher  Jacquelyn Salefske - Lead GSRP Teacher  Departures  Zachary Daniels - HS Spanish Teacher  Jeremy Cronk - HS Science Teacher  Kathryn Hills - EE Special Ed Teacher  Amy Oetjens - MS/HS eSports Coach  Presentations  Disconnect to Reconnect by C. Harbaugh  Finance & Personnel Update by R. Reo and T. Schantz  Next Regular Meeting  July 8, 2024, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus  A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.  "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
build together paw paw. ppps survey results are in.
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, APRIL 2024  At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, board members take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress:  “I’d like to recognize the March and April Students of the Month at Paw Paw High School, Maya Leonard and Maggie Sheets. Also, congratulations to Cari Houston and Ben Tomlinson, our NHS Advisors, for coordinating a first-rate NHS induction this year. I’d also like to compliment the HS students for helping with the MS musical. Shout-out to 2Paws Robotics Team as their season ends. A personal shout-out to our new Clay Target Team on our first practice round. It’s obvious we have a competitive team. Thank you to the Paw Paw Conservation Club for being so welcoming, and I’m happy to report that team fundraising is going well. Shout-out to HS and MS teachers, staff, and students for making the two weeks before and after spring break run smoothly. Lastly, our book vending machines will be featured in an upcoming Girl Scouts Gold Awards ceremony and will also receive national recognition.”  Brent McNitt “With a focus on encouraging environmental responsibility, Earth Day celebrations will be happening all week at PPMS. Weather permitting, science classes will engage in outdoor activities and each day will have a dress-up theme. On Wednesday, April 24, the entire 6th grade class will release the salmon they've been raising into the Paw Paw River on the north side of Maple Lake! Congratulations to Mrs. Fye’s team for winning the annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament at the middle school. The PEACE Cafe (Practicing Employment, Academics, Communication, and Entrepreneurial Skills) opened at PPMS. Students in Emilee Campbell’s class take orders and deliver goods while learning how to run a business. Thank you, Emilee! Pay it Forward is my favorite school program. Thank you, Cari Houston, for heading that program! Ray Martin  “I attended Family Literacy Night at PPPS Early Childhood. The staff arranged the perfect number of activities this year, and it was great to see so many families in attendance! Shout-out to Miss Teresa for her creative craft contributions. At the Later Elementary, Mr. Davison had a great idea to set up a classroom rotation plan to pilot some new, more flexible furniture. Kindergarten Round-Up is coming up on May 7 and 8 at the Early Elementary. Lastly, families will be pleased to learn that preschool aged children will now be able attend Paw Paw Public Schools “Summer Fun Camp” at Paw Paw Later Elementary. An extension of the Before and After School Enrichment (B.A.S.E.) program, this full-day summer childcare program will be offered five days a week throughout the summer for students ages 3-12. This is wonderful opportunity for families and a great way for kids to begin early learning.” Lindsay Clark  “At the Cedar Street Campus, student participation in the new gaming club has been great! This club meets on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.” Jon Vick  “In the Transportation Department, a new part-time bus driver passed the C.D.L. Test (Commercial Driver’s License) and will be starting soon, and a new full-time driver was also hired. I’ll be excited to hear updates about partnering with METS (Michigan Educational Transportation Services) to solve some of our district’s transportation challenges. Lastly, I was happy to hear our maintenance department worked with contractors over spring break to replace select playground equipment as part of the 2022 Bond projects.” Nate Mitchell
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary April 15, 2024  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm  Adjournment at 10:36 pm  Board Members Present:  Baney  Clark  Martin  McNitt  Mitchell  Vick  Board Members Absent:  Pease  Donations Received:  $1,000.00 from MS PTO for MS Field Trips  $1,500.00 from Vet Clinic of Schoolcraft for Girls Soccer Program  $8,000.00 from Charles River for the Charles River Scholarship  Public Participation:  B. Hausmann  C. Houston  S. Thomas  Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 3/11/24  Financial Reports and Monthly Bills  Second Reading of Policies 1630.01, 3430.01 &   4430.01  Purchase Maintenance Truck  Premier Lawn & Snow awarded lawn mowing bid for 2024  Summer School Pay LOA  Purchase SchoolOpen Financial/HR/Payroll Software  Bond Change Order for ECC Fire Suppression  Total Environmental Services awarded Asbestos Removal at MS  Closed Session for Superintendent Evaluation Check-In  Personnel  Arrivals  Haley Rock - Varsity Volleyball Coach  Jacob Zent - Varsity Boys Assistant Track Coach  Mark Hills - MS Track Assistant Coach  Jason Streit - JV Softball Coach  Chris Brill - JV Boys Golf Coach  Departures  Christopher Roach - MS Math Teacher, JV Boys Tennis Coach & MS Coed Tennis Coach  Josie Pike - HS English Teacher  Jody Williford - Varsity Assistant Cross Country  Trever Tate - JV Boys Basketball Coach  Travis Johnson - CS Custodian  Meagan Wagner - HS Paraprofessional  Stephanie Wiltgen - 5th Grade Teacher  Heidi Gromak - 6th/7th Grade Science Teacher  Pride & Progress  Citizens of the Month : March 2024  Brenna Rogers - 6th Grade  Stellar Fitzbaker - 7th Grade  Amiya Bowie - 8th Grade  Presentations  Adult Ed & Online Curriculum  SEAB Advisory Board Curriculum Update  Next Regular Meeting  May 13, 2024, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus  A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.  "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
Graphic of Parent Chat Program
Hiring Now! School Bus Drivers. No experience necessary! Paw Paw Public Schools are searching for motivated individuals to join our fantastic Transportation Team!  We're looking for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone with an interest in our community and our schools. We're hiring sub drivers, route drivers and trip drivers for sports and field trips. We can offer: •	an opportunity filled with the joy of giving back to your community while helping families •	help with getting your CDL-Class B with the necessary endorsements •	paid training while you get your credentials •	competitive wages, flexible hours and benefits; including State of Michigan retirement  •	matching schedules for drivers with kids in school •	If you're looking to join an amazing team and increase your professional skills, this is a great opportunity for you! Complete an application online. For questions or to learn more about the positions available, contact the transportation director by email: angela.vasquez@ppps.org, or phone: 269-415-5220.
SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT-OUTS, MARCH 2024 Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, board members take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress: “Congratulations to Paw Paw High School’s student of the month, Katelyn Baney! Also, I would like to give a shout-out to Trevor Ransler, who took home 1 st , 2 nd and 5 th place awards and Ethan Skowronski for receiving a 4 th place award at the Business Professionals of America Regional Competition. Also, congratulations to Amy Gronda and Cari Houston for their Educational Hero Awards! Superintendent Reo and I were able to attend the dinner, and I would encourage other board members to attend in future. It was an opportunity to give some recognition back to these teachers who work so hard. Lastly, I would like to congratulate Lori Reo on her promotion!” Brent McNitt “Congratulations to the entire PPPS band and choir organization for their success in recent festival outings! At Paw Paw Middle School, the new e-Hall pass system has resulted in a decrease in the number of hall passes, resulting in 96 more hours in the classroom from the 1st to the 2 nd trimester. The PPMS Science Department is the only MS in southwest Michigan to be Green School certified! At the high school, Challenge Day was another success for our first-year students and those new to the district. All these things set PPPS apart from other districts. We are leaders in southwest Michigan, and we should all be proud.” Ray Martin “I attended the Cheer Regionals in Allegan, and they were impressive! The Cheer Team placed 5 th in the State Finals. Way to go, cheerleaders! At the Later Elementary, students had fun participating in “Glow-in-the-Dark Pounce,” an annual fundraiser for the Elementary PTO. I would like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Lounsbury and her team for their work organizing “Pounce” and the book fair. Also, I had a positive experience at parent-teacher conferences. Lastly, I was able to participate in the 4 th grade science fair with my son. They made giant bulletin boards that were on display, and many families participated.” Lindsay Clark “At Paw Paw Early Elementary, they celebrated the 1 st grade class as they spent the most PRIDE tickets for Trimester 2! They were able to enjoy some sunshine and popsicles on the playground together. The EE also celebrated Leap Day! Three hundred mini frogs were hidden around the building for students to find and turn in for a prize, a frog temporary tattoo! Classes went out on the hunt and found lots of little green friends. Here are some activities the EE is looking forward to in March: Staff Oreo Madness Bracket, LLN work time & PD presentations, observations of incoming Y5/K students, and visits from author Bill Klinesteker. Lastly, all board members are invited to read to students on March 22 nd .” Tom Baney “I also had a chance to participate in many of the events and activities at the Later Elementary, and they were all great! This is just a reminder, if you know of anyone who wants to drive a school bus, please have them contact our Transportation Department at 269-415-5220, or email angela.vasquez@ppps.org.” Nate Mitchell
On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.  PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary March 11, 2024  Regular Business  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm  Adjournment at 9:48 pm  Board Members Present:  Baney  Clark  Martin  McNitt  Mitchell  Vick  Board Members Absent:  Pease  Public Participation:  B. Bowater  E. Kern  Committee Reports  Finance & Policy (2/6/24)  Curriculum (3/4/24)  Facilities (3/5/24)  Donation of $2,000.00 from SMWIA Local 7, Zone 1 for the HS Trap Team  Donation of $707.80 from Dale Pease & Stryker for the Girls Golf Program  Board Approvals  Regular Meeting Minutes 2/12/24  Special Meeting Minutes 2/15/24 & 2/20/24  Financial Reports and Monthly Bills  Annual Salary for the Data Support Specialist  Paw Paw Youth Soccer Club Proposal  New HS Courses - AP World History, AP   Environmental Science, AP U.S. Government. and   Politics & ELA Studies in Architecture  PPPS 2024 School Building & Site, Series II &   Refunding Bonds Ratification Resolution  Closing Michigan Avenue Academy  First Reading of Policies 1630.01, 3430.01 &   4430.01  Schools of Choice Resolution for 2024-2025  18 Credit Diploma Resolution (Maple Creek)  Change April BOE Meeting from April 8 to April 15  Personnel  Arrivals  Calib Shaefer - Comm Ed Special Program   Facilitator: Not-On-Tobacco  Hannah Lull - HS Varsity Softball Assistant   Departures  Erika DePierre - HS Boys Track Assistant  Board Discussion  Bond Update - D. Innes from OAK & R. Courter   from TowerPinkster presented  Pride & Progress  Citizens of the Month : February 2024  Lindsey Ellis - 6th Grade  Alayna Ely   - 7th Grade  Drake Mellott   - 8th Grade  Next Regular Meeting  April 15, 2024, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus  A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.  "The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new."  - Socrates
education hero award winners: Rick Reo, Amy Gronda, Cari Houston, Brett Mcnitt Build together logo
Angel miller makes pphs history by competing at individual state wrestling finals.
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