Continuity of Learning Plan

How did your kids do with the first week of our Continuity of Learning plan?  We want to remind our families that this work does not replace classroom instruction and we do not expect parents to teach lessons.  The exercises and activities meant to serve as practice for students to grasp an understanding of essential skills and concepts.  Teachers will assess student understanding through Google Form assessments, class discussions, and personal contact with students and their families.

Kindergarten Week of April 27th

1st Grade Week of April 27th

2nd Grade Week of April 27th

3rd Grade Week of April 27th

4th Grade Week of April 27th

5th Grade Week of April 27th

Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher with questions.  Office hours are list below for our staff.

Later Elementary Staff Office Hours

Cheryl Anderson: Mondays 11-12, Wednesday 6-7 pm, Thursdays 2-3 pm

Kirsten Frank: Mon. 11-12pm, Wed. 6-7pm, Thurs. 2-3pm 

Sue Goodenough: Mondays 11-12, Wed. 10-11, Thurs. 5:30-6:30

Sarah Payne: Monday 10-11am, Wednesday 6-7pm, Thursday 10-11 am

Michele Schantz: Monday 10-11am, Wednesday 6-7pm, Thursday 2-3pm

Heather Vore: Mon. 6pm-7pm, Wed. 2pm-3pm, Thurs. 9am-10am

Laura Bradley: Mon. 10am-11am, Tues. 3pm-4pm, Thurs. 6pm-7pm

Sarah French: Mon. 11am-12am, Tues. 3pm-4pm, Thus. 6pm-7pm

Amy Koehn: Tues 11-12, Wed. 6 pm - 7 pm, Thurs. 2 pm - 3 pm

Marissa Neidlinger: Tues. 9 am - 10 am, Thurs. 2 pm - 3 pm

Annemarie Sadowski: Mon. 10 am - 11 am, Thurs. 11 am - 12 pm

Marianne Abbott: Mon. 10 am-11 am, Tues. 1 pm -2 pm, Weds. 6pm - 7pm

Amy Glomski: Mon. 11 a.m -12 pm, Wednesday 6-7 pm, Thurs. 11am-12pm

Cari Miller: Mon. 11 a.m -12 pm, Wednesday 6-7 pm, Thurs. 11am-12pm

Karen Palmer: Mon. 6-7 PM, Wed. 8-9 AM, Friday 2-3 PM

Jared Rotzien: Mon. 10-11, Wed. 6-7 PM, Thurs.10-11 & 12-12:30

Dan Shutes: Monday 11am-12pm, Wednesday 6-7pm, Thursday 11am-12pm

Nicole Haring: Monday 10am-11am, Wed. 6pm-7pm, Thursday 2-3 pm

Natalie Resseguie: Monday 11am-12pm, Wednesday 3-4pm, Thursday 6-7pm

Sue White: Monday 9am-10am, Wednesday 6-7 pm, Thursday  3-4 pm

Derek Vanderburg: Monday 10 - 11 am & 6-7 pm, Wednesday 10-11 am & 6-7 pm, Friday 10 - 11 am & 6-7 pm

Chris DePierre: Monday 10 - 11 am, Wednesday 6-7 pm, Friday 3 - 4 pm.

Sydney Heasley: Monday 12-1 pm, Tuesday 3-4 pm, Wednesday 4-5 pm

Mary Rogers 

Ben Bowater: Monday 10-11 am, Wednesday 7-8 pm, Friday 2-3 pm

Eric Clark: Monday 12pm-1pm, Wednesday 12pm-1pm, Thursday 7pm-8pm

Jeremy Davison: Anytime Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm